Healing trauma can be a challenging process, especially for those in settings. But what if we could integrate, faith-centered practices with trauma-informed care? Join us for a breakout session on” Healing Trauma for Those in Our Care: Embracing Biblical Principles of Love and Restoration.“
In this session, we will explore practical approaches to applying biblical teachings of love, compassion, and restoration to address, trauma, experienced by individuals in care settings. Discover how to nurture, supportive environments and foster resilience, all while promoting healing and empowerment for those in your care and yourself.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to effectively integrate faith-based principles into your caregiving role. Join us and gain valuable insights into the intersection of trauma care and faith.
Traumatic experiences can affect almost every part of our lives, most certainly including relationships. This session will discuss the ways that trauma impacts our relational capacity, ways to help trauma survivors find safety in their own bodies and minds, and work toward healthier relationships in the future. If you're a trauma survivor, have foster children, have adopted children who have experienced trauma, or work with traumatized people, this talk is for you.