About This Session

Adam Sanez is a licensed psychologist, and his wife is an occupational therapist; they both have extensive experience treating children. Adam never would have predicted, though, how adopting a child who experienced significant trauma would impact their marriage, their parenting, and Adam's understanding of his past. The process was incredibly difficult, often painful, but ultimately uniquely valuable in their development as more whole, healed human beings.

About Your Instructor

Dr. Adam Sáenz earned his Ph.D. in School Psychology from Texas A&M University as a United States Department of Education doctoral fellow. He completed clinical training under a fellowship appointment to Harvard Medical School, and he has a post-doctorate in clinical psychology from the Alpert Medical School of Brown University. Dr. Sáenz also earned a Doctorate of Ministry in Pastoral Counseling from Graduate Theological Foundation with residency at Christ Church college of Oxford University. He currently serves as the C.E.O. of the Applied EQ Group, the counseling and assessment clinic he founded in 2003. He also serves as a consulting psychologist in the Texas A&M College of Medicine, and he leads professional development courses in public schools throughout the United States. Dr. Sáenz has authored multiple titles, including the best-selling, The Power of a Teacher and Relationships That Work. His most recent release, The EQ Intervention, was an Amazon best-seller that won the Independent Publisher Association gold medal in psychology. Dr. Sáenz and his wife, Kim, have been married 27 years, and they have four adult children: Alisa, Mya, Isaiah, and Andrew.

Dr. Adam Sáenz

Psychologist, Author, Trainer

Join us in learning more about secondary traumatic stress.