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Lost Sparrows Conference 2024

Join us September 6-7, 2024 at Warsaw Community Church

Lost Sparrows Trauma Conference is for anyone wanting to learn more about developmental trauma and the impact of early childhood adversity. We hope you will join us as we learn from leading experts more about the human experience, the impact of traumatic experiences, and how to better help those in pain.

What attendees are saying...

“Thank you so much! I loved the focus on the caregivers/adults being aware of what their "stuff" is so that we can be prepared to help regulate and hold space when kiddos are struggling.”

“I am always looking for practical applications that work for trauma survivors. I also like the range of speakers and subjects. The professional aspect of the conference is probably what I like best. being taught how trauma affects the brain has been so helpful and cautiously confirms my core belief that I'm not crazy and our children's struggles with daily life are legit!”

“All of the speakers I heard did a fantastic job. They are passionate about their work and dedicated to children with trauma. Great speaker selection. ”

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